Community Wellness


These are two community professionals offering examples of wellness thru bodywork. As an employer you are responsible for the product and services you provide your customers/clients everyday. We should all be looking to boost morale in our businesses and our community in new and innovated ways. What a wonderful way to show your employees you really care with a sweet treat.  Why not introduce your employees to a motivational workshop as a great way to help keep employees productive, interested and learn about whats working and not working in your business. While showing customers/clients how you care about your employees wellness, offering wonderful relaxing experiences. Its a great way for your business to stand out.




Wellness works- Once a month floating massages a relaxing experience meant to be enjoyed in any setting....    

  -How about a....-Ready to write-off retreat....                 Get away seminar for employees to relax and connect with the boss....       OR
  -Bossed up Budget -Wellness your way.....                        Contact for more details about Wellness Themed events....
Miranda's Journey to Heaven on Earth

A book to encourage, motivate/support healing and inspire growth of spiritual maturity. 

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A simple yet powerful reminder to; meet God wherever you are in life and pray. It can make all the difference in the world, in achieving your purpose. For yourself or a friend.. (Cup, Hat, T-shirt or Canvas bag)

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